Monday, April 12, 2010

5 years and rolling

So, we made it! ha! We celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday the 9th. I woke up and the first thing Mike does is gets me a card and the already wrapped present he secretly got me. Much to my surprise, since, we had decided no presents, we were just going to do an all day fun date thing. Well, he bought the card like 8 months earlier just because he loved it and hid it from me that long. The gift was the best I have ever gotten. He had written a poem and typed it up all nice and framed it for me. It went like this....As lie next to you at the start of each morning, there is a tear in my eye and my heart is soaring. I give thanks to my Savior for the blessings of love, and this angel beside me that was sent from above. She is patient and kind and caring no doubt, I am thankful to know that she never wants out. We're in this for life, its us two together, but not just for life, we're in this forever. She knows how to cheer me, when I'm feeling blue, and when I'm in pain she knows just what to do. She's my angel divine and the love of my life, I am so glad I can call her my wife. THE END! I cried when I read it. I was so touched, and every single day I wake up and read it. It always puts a smile on my face. Anyway, we got ready for the day, and we first went out to lunch at Wendy's and then went to the movies and saw Clash of the Titans 3D. Mike had really been wanting to see the movie, but it is so expensive to go to the theater, so we justified that it was for our anniversary. $17.00 for a matinee! Crazy! Oh, plus the $7.00 popcorn. Ridiculous! Well, Mike really liked it, but I got freaked out, and it also just rubbed me the wrong way in a sense. I mean I know its mythical Greek Gods, but there was too much symbolism for our Heavenly Father and Satan. Through the whole movie it was like I had to keep telling myself that it was fake and that our Heavenly Father is so not like that. I guess the main problem was that I know there is only one God and I know Him. Yet, throughout the movie they were talking about the Gods and in my mind I was just like.."You are not a God, nor do you even know what a God is or what he does!!" All throughout the movie I could not get my mind to stop! Who knows, I might make no sense at all, but all in all, I HATED the movie. Loved our date though. We never go to the movies, and we NEVER get popcorn, but we got popcorn and did the whole dealio. It was very enjoyable to be with Mike. I am so thankful for him and all he does for me. He is so incredibly good to me. I hope someday I can live to deserve the way he treats me. Over the years many people whether at work, church, or whatever have told me how lucky I am to have him. I know it. I love him so much with all my heart and I sure got lucky to be able to walk hand in hand throughout eternity with my best friend! I love you loves!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday April 8, 2010
Well, I have finally decided to create a blog and write my thoughts and experiences down. I have high hopes that this will be more consistent than my off and on journal. Mike and I are currently employed by Nestle Stouffers in Springville Utah. Mike has been with Nestle for 3 years in June, and my three year mark will be in October. We live in a little duplex in north Orem, and have been there now for 3 and 1/2 years. It does not feel like we have lived there that long. Its a record for us!! Well, tomorrow is our 5 year anniversary. I need to take a minute and catch up on what we have been up to the past 5 years....
Mike and I met in 2004, as we were in the same ward. We went on our first date on August 25, 2004, which was a Wednesday. Mike told me we were doubling with his best friend Kip, but when he came to pick me up, it was him and Kip only. I was told that Kip tried, but couldn't get date, but I really think it was all in the plans. So, yea, our first date was a threesome!! Good times, and GREAT memories!! I still tease them about it. We all went to dinner at Tortilla Flats, (excellent restaurant) and then headed over to Movies 8 to see The day After Tomorrow. (super lame movie) Mike and I had a lot of fun, and ever since that first date have spent very few days apart. From our first date until we got engaged in January we spent a couple days around Thanksgiving and Christmas apart, but that was all. He proposed on January 7, 2005 and we were married April 9, 2005 in the Salt Lake Temple. We lived in a tiny apartment on University Avenue in Provo. Mike worked construction (framing) Sterling Structures. I worked at Hogi Yogi in Orem as the manager. I hated my job, and so shortly after we got married, I landed a job at Nu Skin Enterprises. Awhile after I started Mike quit construction and started working at Nu Skin as well as going to school as a Pharmacy Technician. He graduated from American Institute in March 2007, but has yet to work in the pharmacy field. :) I only lasted at Nu Skin a little over a year, when I started cashiering at Wal-Mart. I love to cashier, well, that was until the holiday season rolled around and I was forced to work black friday and Thanksgiving, yeah...I was pretty much done after the first Holiday season I worked. I have some horror customer service stories, but that is for another time.
That pretty much brings us to the present time of work...we are both at Stouffers/Nestle. We plan to be there for a long time to come. We both want to eventually go to school in business, and then work our way up the company ladder. If you desire to move up, they are so good about giving you the opportunities you need to learn and grow to be able to. It has been a wonderful company to work for.
Well, Mike and I have been wanting to start our family for a long time now. After being married 8 months, we decided to get a dog. We happen chanced our way to a dog fair and found a cute little toy fox terrier named Isabella. Through much work and many trial periods we were able to take her home for good. (Who knew adopting a dog would be so much work?) Well, she has been such great company and a joy in our lives. Bella comes everywhere with us.
As for kids....We have been through a lot of tough times, and we still are required to wait and be patient. After we had been married 2 years, we decided to go see a fertility doctor, and that was a mess! They instantly put me on a medication that helps me ovulate, because I was only having a period every 3-4 months. Well, our insurance did not cover any of it, and it was expensive and so that only lasted a couple months with nothing but dashed high hopes on both our parts. The dr. put us on a schedule of when to have sex, so that the odds were in our favor...yea that was fun. Having sex according to a schedule makes it more of a chore, and not so enjoyable! Well, it didn't take long for us to get tired of it, and just give up. We were in debt, and really didn't have the money for it anyway. Well, after awhile we decided to see a womans dr, to atleast get my off periods taken care of. Well, after meeting with her and doing a number of tests on me (all of which came back normal) she thought the best thing for us at that point was to be put on birth control to help regulate my periods for about 8 months, and then pull me off, and I should get pregnant without much effort. SHOULD. SHOULD. SHOULD!!! Oh how I hate the word should. Nothing comes easy and natural for me. I hate that I have to go through embarrasing and humiliating tests to possibly get pregnant when so many can do it like its nothing. Even those that shouldn't have kids get pregnant and then can't take care of them. Oh how it aggravates me and gets me all fired up!! Well, I went ahead and did the birth control, and poof!! nothing. So, here we are at square one. INFERTILITY......something so unfair and noone can understand unless you truly go through it. Many try to understand, but alas, that's just leaves me more tired and irritated than ever. Maybe, hopefully someday I will understand why I was forced to wait, with no answers or reassuring that someday it will happen. Here we are 5 years in the waiting.......